By submitting the manuscript, it implies that it is original and unpublished manuscript and is not submitted elsewhere for publication. Plagiarism, including duplication of the author's own or someone else’s work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not acceptable by NJE as it violates copyright law. As such manuscripts submitted to NJE will be checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software; ithenticate. Manuscripts with similarity index of more than 20% will be returned to the author for revision, while those with more than 50% will be rejected right away.
The manuscripts are subjected to rigorous editorial processes to ascertain their originality, quality and most importantly the contribution to knowledge. Upon receiving a manuscript from the authors, the Editor checks the use of English language, adhere to the submission guidelines and similarity against plagiarism. The Editor also ensures that authors’ identities are not included in the manuscript, to pave way for double-blind review adopted by NJE. The manuscript is then sent to the relevant Associate Editor (AE) for assigning reviewers to the manuscript. A timeline of one week is given to the reviewers to indicate interest to review the manuscript or otherwise. If the reviewer accept to review, a period of thirty (30) days is given to complete the review and submit back the reviewed manuscript. If the request is declined, another reviewer is invited. After the review, the AE assigned to the manuscript analyses the review comments and the reviewed manuscript, and advises the Editorial Board accordingly. Based on the reviewers’ comments and the AE’s recommendation, the Board accept the manuscript with minor or major revisions or reject.